
Monday, June 11, 2012

Randy Orton's WWE Return

Money in the Bank PPV - JULY 15th

The PPV begins with RAW's MITB Match. Dolph looks like he'll win ... until Vickie butts in. Ziggler gets distracted and loses! Vickie resolves tension by getting Ziggler a shot in the Smackdown MITB match!

Ziggler steals the show again during the Smackdown MITB match ... until Vickie interrupts AGAIN! Ziggler yells at Vickie and tells her that she better go backstage! During this action, someone ELSE wins the Smackdown MITB match!

RAW - JULY 16th

Vickie and Dolph have a blowout backstage. Swagger interjects and says they should patch things up. Ziggler snaps on Swagger and kicks his ass backstage, which leads to a match. 

We see a limo pulling up in the parking lot during this match. 

Vickie leaps up on the apron. But who does she help? Ziggler or Swagger? Swagger takes advantage and beats Ziggler! Vickie is still torn. She tries to get Ziggler back, but he pushes her away. We see the limo driver making his way to the ring. He hands Ziggler a small note. 

Much later we see the limo door open. Ziggler walks out. He's got a smile on his face. Vickie storms up to Ziggler and asks what the hell is going on. Ziggler says Vickie will find out next week. 

RAW - JULY 23rd

The show opens with a video of a private jet pulling up next to a Maybach limo. The word is that we're looking at footage filmed earlier in the day of Alberto del Rio arriving to RAW. 

Later, the Maybach limo arrives at the arena. 

During the main event, Vickie comes down to the ring. She calls out Ziggler. Ziggler says ever since he joined forces with Vickie he was promised the moon, but where has that gotten him? He's earned a spot on the roster as a steady mid-carder and he's SO MUCH BETTER than that! A few weeks back at the PPV, he had not one, but TWO chances to win the MITB match ... and he would've, if it wasn't for Vickie! 

Vickie beings to tremble. She begs him not to do anything rash. But Ziggler doesn't want to hear her crap. 

"Vickie. You're fired!"

Vickie screams. Finally, she calms down and says, "So what does this mean? You're going solo?"

"Not quite."

Ziggler points to the screen and ...

Ric Flair extends his hand to Vickie. Vickie loses her mind and storms out of the ring screaming. Flair and Ziggler embrace and Flair grabs the microphone. 

"Boy is it good to be back! And as much as I love you guys ... I don't wanna waste one damn SECOND! Dolph ZIGGLER. Vickie Guerrero has been nothing but a pain in your ASS. She's done nothing for your career. That changes. That changes TONIGHT! When I look at you, I see myself. You're cool. You're good looking. You're the best wrestler around today! You've got "IT!" Not a lot of people have "IT!" But you? Dolph. You got it, baby! YOU! GOT! IT! WOOOO! You are the future of this business, kid. To quote my old friend Bobby "The Brain" Heenan: You stick with me, you go straight to the top! You don't -- you've NEVER HEARD FROM AGAIN!"

RAW - JULY 30th 

Ric Flair has managed to get Ziggler a title shot against CM Punk for the main event. Ziggler is blown away by how quickly Flair gets to work. Flair gives Ziggler pep talks all night about how his life is about to change. Tomorrow, you wake up a Champion! Tomorrow, you wake up the most in demand person in the WORLD. Interviews, radio shows, late night TV. Girls, oh baby. GIRLS.  

Just before the bell rings for Punk vs. Ziggler, footage pops up on the Titan Tron of some sort of melee backstage. John Laurinaitis has been put through a table. Word of even more backstage destruction leads our cameraman elsewhere. Otunga has been put through a table!

Suddenly ...

IT'S RANDY ORTON! He storms to the ring and then just stops dead in his tracks. Punk and Ziggler are on high alert. Orton paces around the ring and then BAM! RKO on Justin Roberts! Charles Robinson goes to leave the ring but Orton catches him! BAM! RKO!

Ziggler and Punk continue to watch, intrigued. Orton paces around the ring, inching closer to Punk. Punk watches intently -- ready to throw down. But Orton doesn't take his eyes off Ziggler. Suddenly, Orton delivers a low blow to Punk!

Ziggler jumps on Orton, but Orton struggles free and RKOs Ziggler. Flair dishes out a few shots to Orton before he falls victim to the RKO. RAW goes off the air with Orton standing in the center of the ring. On the mat, Roberts, Robinson, Punk, Ziggler, and Ric Flair. Orton runs his hands over his head and tries to control his breathing. 


John Laurinaitis opens RAW asking for explanations for the wreckage Orton caused on RAW the previous week.

Orton comes to the ring. He tells Laurinaitis he has Intermittent Explosive Disorder. The drug he takes -- to keep his temper under control -- is not approved by the FDA or by the WWE doctors. So when he was randomly tested, he failed. And his prescription wasn't good enough. In the eyes of the WWE Officials ... in the eyes of Laurinaitis ... he deserved a suspension. 

Well his suspension is up. And if Orton doesn't want to get suspended again, he has to stop taking his meds. And if he can't take his meds, there is nothing to control his temper. When he snaps, he turns from man to machine. "THERE IS NO STOPPING ME."

CM Punk makes his way to the ring. He says Orton is about to go full blown insane. But there are bigger things to discuss, like the fact that Orton kicked Punk in the BALLS last week.

Orton tells Punk to "shut the **** up" -- he's beeped. Laurinaitis freaks! This is a family show! Orton says he wants a shot at the title. His request his granted in an effort to quiet him down.

Flair and Ziggler enter. Before they can talk, Orton says he was in Ziggler's place once. He was the future. But when Flair says Ziggler is the new future, he's lying. Flair is a pathetic old man. He's in debt up to his eyeballs. He doesn't care about Ziggler. He cares about MONEY. And if he can make money by associating with Ziggler, he's gonna do it. Back 10 years ago, when Evolution was rolling strong, Flair's opinions were relevant. They ain't relevant anymore! Ziggler isn't the future. Ziggler is a LOSER. And tonight, CM Punk will ALSO be a loser. 

In the main event on RAW, Randy Orton WINS THE WWE TITLE! 


Punk and Ziggler get a shot at Orton's title in a triple threat match at Summer Slam. Orton isn't methodical anymore. His style in the ring has changed. He's fast. He works with deadly precision. He moves and attacks and beats people down with the quickness. No one can stop Orton. He retains his WWE Title.  

Punk drops out of this match and starts feuding with someone else.

Meanwhile, Orton and Ziggler move forward, feuding for the WWE Title. 

The storyline: Flair said Orton was the future 10 years ago. And Flair was right. But you can only be right so many times. Now Flair is back -- for the MONEY, not for Ziggler -- and he's preaching the same old crap. Well, this time he's wrong. And for several weeks, Orton proves it. He bests Ziggler in every match they have.

Flair tells Ziggler it doesn't matter why he's back (the money). What matters is a conversation he had with Vince McMahon before he signed the contract. Vince asked who Flair thought was the future of the business. Flair said "DOLPH ZIGGLER." Flair only offered his services as a manager to Ziggler -- AFTER his contract was signed. The fact is, Flair already had the job before he asked if he could manage Ziggler. 

Ziggler believes Flair and they begin to campaign for one final title shot at Night of Champions. And since this is the last match Ziggler has against Orton, he's decided to ask for a match he knows he can win. AN IRON MAN MATCH!

Orton accepts the challenge.

Night of Champions PPV

In the main event, Ziggler and Orton wrestle a 60 minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Title. To shake things up, there isn't a single pin fall until the last 5 minutes, when Orton delivers an RKO!

He pins Ziggler and picks up one pin fall.

Ziggler fights back and with one minute left, he lays Orton out with a Fame-Asser (or whatever he calls it)! Ziggler pins Orton and wins!

With the match tied 1-1 and only 50 seconds to go, Ziggler leaps on Orton and locks in the sleeper hold. Orton struggles, then fades. The ref holds up his hand. It drops!


The ref holds up his hand. It drops!


The ref holds up his hand.


Orton's hand drops.

With no clear winner, Laurinaitis says the match will now go into Sudden Death! Orton and Ziggler struggle to their feet and Orton goes for an RKO, but Ziggler pushes Orton off. Ziggler hits Orton with a Zig Zag! Orton is down!

Orton kicks!

Orton struggles to his feet and looks like he's going to hit another RKO out of nowhere when Ziggler counters with a second Zig Zag!